Hello! Hello! Hello to my dear friends. I hope you are all doing well!

In response to Cee’s Share Your World challenge!

What would you ask for if a genie granted you three wishes?

Genie 3 wishes

genie wishes

Yeah.. I am greedy

Anyway, getting on with my 3 wishes

  • A 10 year long world tour
  • A diplomatic visa
  • And a heap load of non-taxable money (don’t even get me started on tax)

What experiences are most meaningful to you?

airplane sunset

I have a wanderer’s soul, so I am the happiest whenever am travelling. Meeting new people, exploring new places, tasting local cuisines, immersing in the new culture, learning new stuff, becoming enchanted by the local music and the local colours.. Well, nothing beats those days for me. Add a remarkable book, and you have it all.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A scientist! But as I grew up, it hit me – physics is a scary thing!

Complete this sentence: The best day of my life was….

Best day… Well, that’s a little difficult for me. I hate choosing favorites or picking the best of the  best…

But if I have to pick one I would say it was the day when I decided to dive into the Indian ocean and experience the exotic marine life and the coral reefs. It opened my eyes. It was the day that I found myself (atleast a part of myself)! I came upon the realisation that life is bigger than me, and the world is a beautiful place and there is so much I haven’t seen or experienced yet. So I should stop being the sorry-ass that I was and appreciate and exploit the rare opportunity that I have! I had found my inner peace. And when I emerged out of the water, I was a changed person…

Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I got back in touch with one of my best friends from college. We were out of touch for about 3 years now, and I was so delighted when I found her on facebook and she replied back to my text!

I am looking forward to meet up with her in the coming week.

Thanks for these wonderful questions, Cee!

Thanks for reading!

Stay Zingy!!!

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